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Title: inavX not working on 3.0
I now have the 3.0 beta os for the iphone 3G and iNavX does not run with it. The app opens but then shuts down..
Just thought that someone might like to know.
iPhone OS 3.0 is under NDA and shouldn't be discussed here, or anywhere else for that matter. What runs and doesn't run should be reported to the developer, not to an open list.
They do say "Pioneers get arrows in their backs".

Rest assured that iNavX will remain compatible with the official production releases of iPhone OS (currently 2.2.1). As August comments, iPhone OS 3 is under NDA so I really can't say more on this public forum.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Please show me where it says that 3.0 is under NDA. Jeez, all I was doing was trying to help. I'll keep my keyboard shut in future.
Sorry to be so abrupt last time, Barry, but the developer agreement Rich and I signed to get the 3.0 beta says in section 5.1 that everything is under NDA until Apple says otherwise. Apple can have public events, show off the software, tout how good it is etc. but we developers can't say anything, without risking our position in the program.

If you are a developer then you agreed to these terms too, and so should have contacted Rich directly to inform him of the problem. If you got the beta from someone else, then they violated section 2.5 of the agreement (the No Copy Clause) and they risk cutting off all developers, if Apple feels too many people are getting beta software illegally. So there's really no win/win situation here, you see?

But again, I'm sorry to be so abrupt. Late night typing is never a good thing Smile
I'm guessing Barry hasn't signed an apple NDA though, nor have I, well not for a long time anyway! SO there's nothing to stop him, or I or anyone else discussing it. Granted, you as developers are handcuffed and cannot do so openly

I'm pretty confident that it'll work when 3 becomes official though, these chaps seem to know what they are doing!

apple do like to beat their chest and get all high and mighty, but they will never, ever cut off third party developers, they don't like that beta stuff leaks out, they like to get all menacing about it, but in reality they know there's sod all they can and will do about leaks. A leaky developer might get removed it they are small fry in apple's scheme of things, but pulling the rug from all developers will never happen - no developers = no future

I got my copy from an an employee at the world's largest graphics software company!

For what its worth I worked at apple in the 'good old days' as developer
Anyone who downloads and installs the Beta iPhone 3.0 SDK has to acknowledge to the terms including the Apple NDA.

Rest assured iNavX will work just fine on iPhone OS 3.0 prior to the public release this summer.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
It is no secret that Apple is now requiring all apps submitted to the App store to be compatible with iPhone OS 3.0. I have now completed iPhone OS 3.0 compatibility certification with iNavX 2.0.2 (To be submitted to Apple next week).
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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