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Title: I can't find the "Chart Setting Panel"
I know I am getting old and forgetful but help me out. I haven't used GPSNAvX since last year and I can't find the panel that allows me to choose the little hand grabber or the red outlines of all the charts that intersect the one I am looking at. It seemed like in the past I couldn't get that panel to go away and now for the life of me I can't get it to show up. Any ideas? Thanks Todd
Dion Weston
In MacENC, selecting "Bounds" in the View menu gives you what I think you're looking for. Probably the same in GPSNavX.
Jerry Richter
Bristol 27, Outside Time
I'm surprised this hasn't been answered yet...

I assume you're talking about the Chart Settings panel. Any time I open a chart (file-open chart) the panel appears and can't be closed. I can make it transparent, and move it almost completely off the screen, but enough of an edge is still visible to grab and move back on.

Don't use GPSNavX much anymore so I had to go look at it. Only use it generally when I want an overall view of a small scale chart while I'm doing more detailed stuff in MacENC.


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