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Title: USB hub versus multiplexer
Dear all,

I've been skimming through the many topics that touch on the issue but did not really find an answer:

What is best to use to connect multiple instruments and why: a USB hub or a multiplexer?

To my non-expert impression, the former offers the advantage of cost and simplicity, but many seem to refer only to the latter.

Thank you in advance for any clarification.
Sort of depends on how complex your setup is and how many instruments you have attached. For just a few a USB hub is fine, but with several instruments, particularly if you have more than one or two sending nmea data, a multiplexer is better because it can act as a traffic cop over the flow of data. For me it's particularly useful because I often have more than one instrument transmitting GPS data (seems everything has gps these days) and it will prioritize and only pass one of them on so they don't conflict. I can control that priority. It also acts as a translator from Raymarine's Seatalk to nmea (my wind/speed/depth are Raymarine).


edit - should also add that a usb is fine if you're only attaching usb devices, but many of us are using the multiplexer to integrate all of our instruments, most of which don't have usb.
Thanks Scot for the quick reply

I think the network I'm setting up is quite simple: GPS and AIS connected to GPSnavX or (Fugawi on PC emulation) and Navtex connected to specific software (runs on PC emulation).

GPS is also connected to VHF but I guess it does not change anything

all have RS232 to USB connections and all transmit NMEA data. How big the risk of collisions?

I do not need to have my B&G network connected to the Mac

Unless you're really cash strapped I'd try the usb first. Even if you later go for a multiplexer it would be a useful backup. I also found with my gps/plotter I can't upload routes/waypoints via nmea so I need a usb adapter for that anyway.


Once again, thanks a lot. I'll follow your advise.



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