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Title: Switching a Keyspan USA49WG between Mac OS and VMware Fusion
I'm having some trouble getting the Keyspan to work on the XP side after running MacENC. Has anyone had success accessing a Keyspan on a VM after using it on Mac OS?

Earlier I posted a success report on VMware Fusion and USB serial interfaces (http://www.macsailing.net/fbb/showpost.php?post/3477/)

I have one unsolved VMware problem which I regard as a niche issue, as it is unique to one application combined with Fusion. The application is Endeavour Navigator 5.5 (www.hsa.com.au) "high end" navigation software used by the Royal Australian Navy and NZ Navy. We need it because MacENC doesn't support the HCRF/ARCS chart format. The unique problem is similar to the infamous Windows "crazy mouse" where the cursor jumps randomly around the screen, roughly twice every 10 seconds. I suspect Endeavour uses the Windows API in an unusual way - the GUI is full screen, not windowed.

That Endeavour problem has created a new requirement -- to switch back and forth between XP and Mac OS, where both use the Keyspan USA49WG. Until now I've had the Keyspan either dedicated to Mac OS, or dedicated to XP.

We're currently in San Francisco's high density traffic area, so Endeavour's AIS handling is a big problem (so much AIS on the screen I can't see the chart). So we are switching back to MacENC until we get to Hawaii. As you know, MacENC has really excellent AIS support.

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