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Title: Iphone / Bluetooth

I just got back from a 1300 mile race and used a combination of a bluetooth nmea repeater and Trimble Yuma running Maxsea onboard that worked incredibly well. Is there a possibility of adding bluetooth "serial" capability so that we can use instrument / AIS data without having to have a PC onboard repeating all of the data to the phone??

Having a PC or MAC seems like a lot of extra money and trouble to make this work properly??


Drew Wood
So far Apple has not opened up a Serial Port profile to BT devices as I previously noted here ..


One can use a WiFi serial repeater (in lieu of a laptop) though ..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
apple's iphone policy as regards bluetooth absolutely stinks

almost makes having bluetooth on the phone a complete waste of time

you can do proper stuff with it though but you need to unshackle the phone from apple. I unlocked/jailbroke mine with pwnage and it opens up an enormous new world of possibilities.

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