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Title: Soundings - feet or metres
I have the Navionics 32XG, Australia chart on iPhone 3G S. The soundings are in feet (The annotations; dredged depths and the like are in metres!). Can the soundings be changed to metres?
You might get a quicker result if you email Navionics directly as I don't think they monitor this site often.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks for that. I will contact Navionics and post any reply here.
Contacted Navionics. Their reply...

"Thanks again for your email, For iNavx app features you should revert to their assistance. Sorry to not be of more help."

Looks like I am stuck with feet.
I think Rich is just displaying the information in the file. If it's a raster chart then he's just showing the image, if it's a vector chart then he's displaying the various layers. I doubt if he has control over what's being displayed, as that's coming from the chart itself. Navionics should have looked at their chart and determined what the sounding units were, and seen if they matched the other units.

I agree that it's not fun when bounced from one side to the other and back again! Ugh!
This forum is for the Navionics apps which come bundled with charts, not iNavX. That being said Navionics charts are available for iNavX from X-Traverse. If one is using the later then the units for depth can be set in the iNavX -> Setup -> Units view. In the future for questions about iNavX please post them in the iNavX forum.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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