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Title: MacWX - Weather on Demand for OS X
From the GPSNavX team comes...

MacWX gives access to thousands of OCENS WeatherNet products. Using the MacWX application you graphically select the specific weather data you want. The OCENS WeatherNet emails you with the timely weather products you have requested.

Categories of available OCENS WeatherNet products include:
* Buoy
* Graphical Buoy Charts
* GRIB (including Theyr High resolution)
* Ice
* Nexrad
* Ocean Charts
* Pro Services
* Satellite Imagery
* Text Forecasts
* Weather Charts (BuoyWeather.com)

High Resolution (1/12th of a degree) GRIB files (Surface Wind) can be used with both MacENC and GPSNavX. Other products can be displayed in the Preview application.

An OCENS WeatherNet subscription is $99 (includes MacWX for OS X). OCENS WeatherNet products are typically less than US$1.00.

More details here...

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Great tip! Bought the MacWx software, installed it, got the account registered and set up. The software is working perfect selcting the area on the map and requesting GRIB files from OCENS. I received e-mails from OCENS with the Wx files attached. The files are named ".._wxrequest.out.txt.bz2" and the file size is 79byte. So far so good, but there it stops.
The MacWx helpfunction tell me to drag the file to my desktop and doubleclick it, which in turn expands it in a folder named "..1" containing a file named ".._wxrequest.out.txt" and the file size is 4kb. Trying to open the file gives me the following message "ERROR: Invalid Login: Invalid user"
Trying to open the file in GPSNavX gives me the message "File did not contain any GRIB wind speed or wind direction data"

The file I ordered was from the GRIB Interactive/GRIB GFS Available Globally for User-Specified location/Wind folder in MacWx. The files in this folder are depicted in MacWx to be delivered by NOAA

Anybody else have this problem out there? How is it solved? Sad
The file you are receiving from OCENS WeatherNet indicates you have not properly entered your OCENS WeatherNet account name and password.

Contact me directly at macwx@mac.com

if you have lost them or need assistance entering them in the OCENS WeatherNet account settings drawer of MacWX

Once you do that then you need to request the GRIB file again and follow the same procedure.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thank you for quick reply. It turned out the password I received from OCENS was not the one I requested (one letter missing in the password I received). This resulted in the failure. When I entered the password I had requested it works great!

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