October 2, 2010 22:00
I recently found an app for the iPad called Air Display. Supposedly, it allows the iPad to act as a second monitor for a laptop or desktop on the same wifi network. The pitch evidently is to allow an iPad to reside next to another computer and increase screen real estate for menus, etc. My question is, if anyone has tried it, can it be set up so that I can mirror my laptop screen, which would be below, to an iPad on a flybridge as long as I have a wireless router set up—thus allowing me to run MacENC on the laptop below in the dry and out of the sun but control it from above and to save me from having to take the larger laptop back and forth? I assume I would have to still have an RF mouse/keyboard unless the app allows the iPad's touch screen to control the mouse on the laptop.
Jerry Richter
Bristol 27, Outside Time
Bristol 27, Outside Time