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Title: iNavX 3.0.0 available
iNavX 3.0.0 has been approved by Apple and should show up as a free update to all iNavX users on their device and iTunes.

iNavX 3.0.0 adds:

iPad support.
Portrait and Landscape orientation support (iPad only).
Selecting a row in the Instruments view will display real-time large display for selected data.
Navionics 2010 regions.
NV-Verlag 2010 regions.
Selecting the Disclosure button in the Routes table will select the route that is plotted on the Chart.
Selecting the Disclosure button in the Tracks table will scroll the Chart to the track.
Pos. Icon Size in "Chart" "Setup".
Loss of TCP/IP NMEA connection will display alert and sound buzzer if "Disconnect Alarm" enabled.
"+" and "-" keys on Chart zoom in and out of Navionics Charts.
"Guide" provides access to iNavX help website.

I am already hard at work on iNavX 3.0.1, but don't hesitate to post change requests here.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Do you have a downloadable version of the guide? Can't easily do it (to my knowledge) from the ipad. One of my biggest frustrations with iNavX when we were offshore is I couldn't access the help, particularly considering the iPad version was release only hours before we left and I wasn't familiar with it.

Should have added that online help seems to be the standard for the iPad apps I have, and is a bit annoying. I've at least found the iPad guide in pdf, but have yet to find the iworks guides in downloadable versions.

iNavX Version 3.0.1 (a free update) of the app includes an embedded copy of the "Guide" in the event there is no internet connectivity.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Great! Wish more apps were like that.

Interesting to note, I've got a lot of ebooks, a tone of videos, enough Navionics charts to go all the way around the world (twice - I have both the iNavx and Navionics versions) and still only have a little over half my 64gb memory full. Memory shouldn't be an issue for apps guides Smile

It was more a case of making sure user had latest guide, but as you noted an old guide is better than no guide so we bundled it in the event no internet access.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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