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Title: Bluetooth GPS Receiver
I bought a GPS Travel Recorder to Geotag my photos. The Qstarz BT-Q1000X has a MTK-II chipset and this thing works inside buildings and boats. It auto-connects at any serial port speed. No extra software needed. I find it impressive for $100. It runs for 48 hours on a rechargeable battery.

It works great with MacENC and it's highly sensitive. MacENC shows it picking up 11 out of 12 satellites inside my home with roof/floors to block the signal.

Here's a link Amazon
That's a great improvement from the days of 4-6 hours battery life with a Bluetooth GPS. Also like that high speed sampling rate as most GPS are limited to about 1Hz.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
The battery is a flat Lithium Ion battery used in cell phones so it's common and easy to replace when necessary. It also works well connected with the provided mini-USB connector and shows up as a serial port - I tried to verify it worked but doubt I'll ever use it.

I find it satisfying when I get a piece of hardware or software that does just what I need with simple elegance.

To contrast and rant a bit I just returned a Garmin GPS 72H to Defender. It's supposed to be high sensitivity but it wouldn't even work inside next to a window. I tried to update it using Garmin's Updater and it hung. After an hour or so I finally unhooked it and then it wouldn't start up. Why can't a company with Garmin's resources ever get it right?

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