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Title: Bringing my Mac onboard for navigation...
I'm new to using my Mac onboard. We're an all Mac family and currently have all Garmin equipment on our PS40. I'd like to be able to do more planning for our cruising next Fall - creating routes, examining ports, and general planning. Then I'd like to bring the Mac onto the boat and use those routes on the Garmin. Is this possible? I see Garmin software for Windows but not for the Mac. How can I do this?

Thanks so much.
What model Garmin are you using?
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
GPSMAP 5012 + radar, autopilot, instruments, etc.
So far from Mac there is no simple way to transfer waypoints, routes, tracks to the GPSMap XXXX series. Those units don't support a USB cable. Garmin Homeport from Windows will allow the importation of a GPX file which MacENC can create.

That being said we are working on NMEA2K support for MacENC and I am hopeful we will be able to transfer the data over the N2K network. It is possible to transfer waypoints via a NMEA-0183 connection which your unit supports. Data cable and Keyspan adapter.

I will check with my Garmin contact if the SD card can accept a GPX or KML file with Waypoints, Routes or Tracks. I don't believe so.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Wow - thanks for checking into it - that's great.

Here's one thing that I don't understand though. How does the Windows program interface with the Garmin? I don't think there's special hardware involved. Will that Windows program work under BootCamp or Parallels? I'd really rather run something native if at all possible.
I believe Homeport which is Garmin's windows app let's you save waypoints, routes to the SD card. It does not provide real-time plotting like MacENC does.

Today you could use MacENC with your Garmin via it's NMEA-0183 connection and this cable and adapter ..


With MacENC 8 (not available yet) you will be able to connect through it's NMEA 2K connection and your Macs USB port using this adapter ..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Would your serial data cable work for the Garmin GPSMAP 172c via NEMA 0183. I need to get my waypoints and routes from MacEnc to my garmin unit.

thanks in advance

Yes the serial data cable will work to transfer waypoints, routes, tracks to/fro your Garmin 172c. You will not use NMEA-0183, but instead put your Garmin into Garmin or data transfer mode. You will attach the cable to your Garmin's power/data cable. You will be able to use NMEA-0183 mode for real-time plotting with MacENC or GPSNavX.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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