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Title: Updating Charts
Insure your device has an internet connection. This can be done by opening noaa.gov or x-traverse.com websites in Safari.

- A single NOAA chart:
1) Open the Chart.
2) Select the "i"nfo button in the lower right hand corner.
3) Select the action button in upper left hand corner.
4) Select "Update Chart".
5) Select "Yes" to download.

- Recently used NOAA charts:
1) Access the the Chart List for a specific NOAA region, specifically the History - select the clock icon in the Chart list filter button.
2) Select "Update Charts".

- An entire NOAA region:
1) Open any NOAA chart from the region.
2) Select the "i"nfo button in the lower right hand corner.
3) Select the action button in upper left hand corner.
4) Select "Remove All".
5) Select any NOAA chart from region.
6) Select "Yes, All" when prompted to download.

- An entire X-Traverse region:
1) From the iNavX main menu, select "Setup".
2) Select "X-Traverse Account".
3) Enter email address used for X-Traverse account and X-Traverse password. Note if you forgot them, then reset password..


4) From the iNavX main menu, select the X-Traverse region to update.
5) Select the magnifying glass icon from the Chart List filter button (upper right hand corner).
6) Select "Update Chart List".
7) Select "Yes" and the new Chart list will download. Note: This could take a moment.
8) Select any chart from the Chart List.
9) Select "Yes,All" when prompted to download. In the event a chart doesn't download (downloaded charts will be in a bold font), select the chart and return to step 9.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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