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Title: Best Mac for MacEnc?
What's the best laptop for MacEnc, I have a newer MacBook pro, but it uses to much power and had no easy 12v Support. I have tried the Kensington 12 adaptor but it will not charge my Mac if it is running...
85W Mobile Power Adapter and Mikegyver solution work nice.
I have used a 12V power supply I bought from www.welovemacs.com/carcharger60w.html It works well and charges the battery on my MacBook Pro. So added to the two that FF44 mentioned, you have lots of choices.
If you are not locked into a laptop, I have had great success with Mac Minis and MacENC on boats.

.....and it seems that with a minimum of modification, the new Unibody Mini can be adapted for 12v operation. I have ordered one and will report back.
Success....see the Hardware thread

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