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Title: Data exchange between MacENC & iNavX
I expect future versions of iNavX to be fully compatible with iCloud which means waypoints, routes and tracks will stay current on all devices. Of course no reason this should not carry over to MacENC and GPSNavX. It's clear that Apple is moving away from the iDevices [content] being dependent on a parent PC or Mac. As Apple says the PC and Mac just got demoted and became another device.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
That is also nice, but again, iCloud works with an internet connection. Something not so common when at sea.

If we assume cable connections between devices will soon be gone, then the only internet-independent way to sync data would be using WLAN (or bluetooth).
John (aka Loith) Chapin
s/v Azura [url=http://svazura.net/][color:darkblue]HERE[/color] .
"A fishing rod is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool at the other." Samuel Johnson
After next iNavX release, you will be able to transfer files from MB (or other computer) to iPhone or iPad, with a transfer app as Files Connect, by building an ad-hoc network with computer. No internet required.
It just works everywhere, even middle-Pacific!
ok, but the waypoints are not stored in files that could simply be transferred...
John (aka Loith) Chapin
s/v Azura [url=http://svazura.net/][color:darkblue]HERE[/color] .
"A fishing rod is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool at the other." Samuel Johnson
Sure yes! Waypoints can be exported as GPX files from both MacENC and GPSNavX. GPX is a standard format used by a number of GPS and plotters manufacturers.
In Lion, would AirDrop not do what you are asking? I don't know, just asking.
Jerry Richter
Bristol 27, Outside Time
See this thread ..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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