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Title: PANBO gives Polar a good review
The Polar teams efforts seem to be paying off. Check out this very complementary review.

=> Link to PANBO review of POLAR <=
Thanks George Smile

It does feel good to know that people like the product (though, admittedly, there is still a ton of work to be done). Now all I need is to sell a few copies, and I've got it all figured out Smile


This forum has been a bit quiet, but new release should be officially out in a few days and I will post an announcement at that time.
PolarView is a great program. Their support, however, SUCKS!!!

You can never get anyone on the telephone. All you get is a voicemail to go to their support webpage (that doesn't answer a question and they don't answer their emails). But the pleasant British voice recording does tell you to have a "wonderful day". Great! Well, I'm not having a wonderful day because I cannot upload the ChartWorld charts that I downloaded for $147 Euros into PolarView. And at ChartWorld they tell me to contact PolarNavy.

Personally, I'd like to see PolarView survive but if they don't deal with support issues, they won't.
We do not have phone support, as the phone message clearly states. That's why it says "no phone support" next to the phone number on the web site. We also don't have any direct email - so there is no way for you to send one Smile

All support is through the support web site: http://support.polarnavy.com (which is conveniently linked in big bold letters right from the front page of our web site).

If you did submit a support ticket, it *was* answered (I just checked - no unanswered support tickets in the queue at this moment).
Sea Slacker

Yes your message does indeed state "no phone support" - but, trust me, you NEED phone support and I can't see why you don't have direct email. And yes I did read the BIG BOLD Letters on the front page of your website and filled out a support ticket that *Was not* answered (perhaps it wasn't received). So I just filled out another one.

The problem is that I have what seems, to me, to be a complicated issue which is cumbersome to describe in prose (but I did my best).

I think that PolarView is a terrific program - probably the best one I've seen- and that's why this issue is so frustrating. I really want PolarView to be successful. However, I also started and ran a very successful software based company and I rapidly discovered that that person - to - person support is absolutely necessary for success - and probably just as important - or maybe even more important that the quality of the program itself. Filling out a "ticket" that may or may not answer a question in a few days won't "cut it".

Nonetheless, if you can resolve this issue for me I will be your biggest fan and an enthusiastic cheerleader!
Your original support ticket was posted on "2012-03-28 03:31:29" and answered on "2012-03-28 07:36:08". It helps actually reading an answer Smile You can still do so - support tickets are stored indefinitely.

There was no need to create another support ticket, but now that you did - that one was answered too. It contains detailed instructions - please follow these carefully.
I received the response on the support ticket. It totally answered my questions and provided workable solutions. Thank you.

I take back everything I said about Polarview's support. It does work! This may not be as initially satisfying as talking to someone on the phone but your method has the advantage of providing a written document that one can keep and refer to.

I really do love PolarView. It's a great program!

BTW and just for the record - I went back through all of my old and deleted emails for the past two weeks. I only received one answer from the two PolarView support tickets I completed - so it was not a case of not reading the first support response. However, perhaps there was a typo in the email address of one of my support requests and it's floating around in the ether somewhere. Anyway, thanks again for your response that did reach me! I look forward to a happy and fruitful friendship with PolarNavy as I bring my boat from Maine to cruise the Balearics this summer!
That's the problem with email - they do get lost, quite a lot actually. Dropped in delivery, misdirected, captured by spam filters etc. This is one of the reasons we use ticket system.

You don't necessarily need to get an autoresponse from ticketing system. You can check status of support ticket at any time by visiting support.polarnavy.com again and entering the ticket code that you get during initial submission.

That's another advantage of ticket system - there is no need to track down old information. Everything related to a specific issue is in one place. Both user and support can look at the entire history of the issue at a glance, refresh their memory and go from there, rather than digging through email archives for "what's that all about".
Thanks for pointing this out. You're right.
Sea Slacker

I followed your instructions to the letter and had no problems downloading my charts from ChartWorld. Thank you very much. I think my initial problem was "overthinking" a process that was really pretty simple (if you know what you are doing). Anyway, I regret making negative comments about your support system - it actually works pretty well. Thanks again!

I am now a enthusiastic fan of PolarView!!!

Dear Listmembers

Actually PolarNavy support DOES work and seems to work quite well. I retract and regret any negative comments I made out of impatience and with suspicion that PolarView was "too good to be true". However, it IS true - it's really a great program!

So as we used to say in the US Navy: "Belay my last!"


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