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Title: Recommended handheld GPS
Can anyone recommend a handheld GPS?

Last Cowes Week I used an iPad for navigation but found it not being daylight-viewable a problem.

Any thoughts?

I like the Garmin GPSMap 76 and 78 series.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

Is it Mac-friendly?
Sure. It will connect right up to the USB port and you can transfer waypoints as GPX files. Garmin has some Mac apps ..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Is RoadTrip the app I use to transfer WPs?
You should not need any app to transfer waypoints as when plugged into a Mac, it appears like any other storage device.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I have the Garmin GPSMAP 76 and 78 and recommend them both.

76 series:
(0) floats
(1) do not all have USB port
(2) those with USB may not treat it like storage ? and you need SW that talks garmin protocol
(3) Uses garmin blue charts and mapsource which I have been told are going away and will not be supported on newer units i.e. 78 ..... I still have unused licenses for Blue Chart atlantic regions. the tech tech folks at garmin just told me in a nice way I was SOL on that deal.

78 series:
(0) floats
(1) works in places the 76 series would not work like inside a building or a cabin.
(2) acquires much faster than the 76
(3) the preinstalled charts ($$$$) told me right after I bought the unit (78sc) that an update was available and when I tried to find the update (a) wanted to charge me $$ and then (b) could not find the update. I got a bad attitude and have yet to resolve the matter. Garmin is not my favorite company but their products keep me coming back.
Is there a 76 unit that will treat the USB connection as a storage??


Are charts that cover other area's still available if you know? perhaps from Garmin?


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