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Title: System 10.4.11 Optimization
Hello Forum, I wanted to solicit some help and recommendations for optimizing my PowerBook 12" for the best a fastest operation of MacENC. The system is 10.4.11 and it has 1.25gb ram. I plan to remove all but the very basic software (MacENC, Mr. Tides, safari, Nocturn, and all required drivers for kensington serial/usb, actisense NMEA 2000, Comar Multi AIS). Any recommendations for optimizing this mac would be welcomed. It will be dedicated to Nav work and only Nav related web uses. No Mail client, word processing etc.

many thanks
Moving the charts to a flash USB drive speeds things up.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
MacENC appears to open faster if you delete the tracks regularly and keep the number of waypoints to the minimum required.
— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

You can put waypoints in Groups and only select the Group you are interested in using.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
The largest performance drag that I ever noticed is the annotation file. If you like to make marks on your screen it can grow quite large. Just remember to turn annotation off when you don't need to see your marks.

If you don't make lots of marks, well, annotation doesn't matter either way.
Thanks for the great tips.
Has anyone noticed if partitioning the drive space into two drives, (operating system and files) improves performance of the machine. I have used all my usb port space for the NMEA and AIS input so all my charts will be on the principle drive. The tips are great and I will try an act on them to see if it improves performance.

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