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Title: 'Ground' up system
...or should that be 'hull' up? Wink

Hey guys, I'm new here. My father's just completed on our first yacht, and we're having to get some things on it this weekend.

He's seen the light with the iPad and wants to install a system compatible, but of course we need to start at the beginning. The boat currently has no wind detector, or depth sounder - and at least the latter will be required for our first sail (we're moving to a marina that's a little, well, worrying to get to without one!)

I've been having a look around and I'm not sure what I'm looking for. What I want is a transducer/panel (multifunction pref) combo that we can stick in the boat straight away, but one that'll be compatible with iPad solutions (NMEA compatible I guess?)...

...and I'm just not sure how to begin.

Any help would be much appreciated, even just for starting out with the depth sounder solution, so we know we're not buying something that'll be useless to us in two months!

Thanks Smile
A Brookhouse iMux can be added to most NMEA compatible systems. This will accept up to 4 NMEA inputs and supports sending NMEA data to up to 4 outputs.

While an iPad makes a fine secondary system (either stand alone or as a repeater), probably would not make it my sole system.

So these days a Garmin NMEA 2K or any of other vendors make great N2K systems are a nice way to go.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I second what GPSNavX says, but I use my iPad and iNavX as my primary, with a Garmin 441s (and my laptop) as backups. The Garmin has an internal GPS antenna, so installation is simple. You do have to add a transducer, to use the depthsounder feature, but you can use an in-hull that can be installed without hauling the boat from the water. Look at a good marine electronics catalogue to see the large variety of depthsounders available.
CruzPro makes NMEA-0183 transducers that can connect directly to the iMux negating the need for a stand-alone instrumentation package.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I understand not wanting to use the iPad as a primary system, and it's not going to be. Primarily we prefer paper charts and that'll be what stays in place.

We are looking at purchasing, first off, a transducer (in-hull, not through-hull), and a combined/multi-function display for outside. Both NMEA.

My dad's leaning towards this for the display:

And I'm just looking around for the right transducer to go along with it. Any assistance or recommendations on that would be fantastic.

I know this system won't be built immediately, but at least getting things in place is a start.


Edit: also, is there any issue mixing NMEA 2000 and the previous version? Some transducers I've found seem to only have the older variety.
I like the simplicity of N2K, but it is more expensive. The Brookhouse iMux can handle both.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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