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Title: MOB?
Feature request: It would be nice to have a prominent MOB button that can be used as a GOTO point, if ever needed.
I second this motion.
[color:brown][/color] EYEDOCS ARE PEOPLE OF VISION
iNavX does not offer a dedicated MOB button because:

1) Such a button would take up limited/valuable screen real-estate on every screen.

2) Such a button, with expected behavior would be in violation of the Apple "Developer Program License Agreement"..

"3.3.8 For Applications that use location-based APIs, such Applications may not be designed or marketed for automatic or autonmous control of vehicles, aircraft, or other mechanical devices; dispatch or fleet management; or emergency or life saving purposes."

I would be very surprised if any app offers a dedicated MOB button because of #2.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
OK for #2. So I would like to only create a passing wp automatically as active wp. ;-)
With iNavX on iPad one can simply tap the chart and then select "Goto". This creates and activates a waypoint for navigation.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
iNavX 3.2.9 allows one to tap the position icon, then select "Waypoint" to create a waypoint at the device position. Tap the new waypoint (it most likely will still be under the position icon) twice and select "Goto XXX" from the pop over menu.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Still a two step process, plus you need to find your boat, if you are zoomed out, where you hit the screen could be quite far from your current position.

If not a MOB button, perhaps a "Cur Pos" that, when selected, prompts you GoTo?. I think the real estate is worth it and it should dodge the Terms of Use issue.
Tapping the position icon on the chart will use the device position regardless of how far zoomed out. If the position icon is not in view, tap the "Chart" tab twice and the chart will scroll to the position.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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