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Title: Current & Tidal Stream GRIBs
iNavX can import Current and Tidal Stream forecast GRIB files. For iNavX 3.2.9 I have been working on improving the display. In this example a TideTech Current GRIB is displayed ..

Screen Shot (iPad)
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
How do I get iNavX to display TideTech GRIBS when I zoom out?

Also, iNavX is intermittantly crashing when looking at tide GRIBS.

Best would be to send me (inavx at me dot com) the GRIB so I can take a look. Be sure you are using iNavX 3.2.9
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I will try and email later on.

It seems not to display the GRIBS if the zoom is 0.38NM or greater.
Probably because the resolution of the GRIB data is very high and to plot them when zoomed out further would have the current arrows drawing on top of each other making for a very unreadable display.

I should note the next iNavX release, instead of not plotting anything when zoomed out, will skip the arrows that would overlay another.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
First post , just down loaded navx, how can I bring grib files to navx
From the Tips and Tricks forum ..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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