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Title: Brookhouse iMux
The Brookhouse iMux can be connected to a Mac and MacENC two ways:


1) Power up Brookhouse iMux and interfaced GPS, Instruments, AIS.

2) From the Airport menu on the upper right hand side of the Mac menu bar select "Broohouse_iMux".

Notes: The iMux only allows one WiFi connection at a time. When a Mac is connected to the iMux, it will not be connected to the internet (i.e. no email or web browsing).

3) Launch MacENC.

4) Select "TCP/IP" from the "GPS" menu.

5) In the "Client (Receive NMEA Data)" select Host: Port: 2000 Mode: TCP
Note: MK3 models use Host: Host: 10110 Mode: TCP

6) Select "Enable" to make the connection.

7) Select "Connect" on the "GPS" menu. Ignore any warning about failing to connect.

8) Select "Settings" button to open the Settings drawer.

9) Select Type: IP Only.

If AIS and/or Instruments are interfaced to the iMux, in the respective AIS and Instruments panel Settings drawer be sure to check "Use GPS Port".

USB Recommended, as it leaves the iMux WiFi connection available for iNavX on iPhone/iPad/iPod

1) Connect a USB Data cable to the iMux RS232 port. Black wire to [G] and Yellow wire to [T]. Do not connect USB data cable to Mac at this point.


2) Download AND Install the FTDI driver as linked here ..


3) Restart Mac.

4) Connect USB data cable to Mac USB port.

5) Power up Brookhouse iMux and interfaced GPS, Instruments, AIS.

6) Launch MacENC.

7) Select "Connect" on the "GPS" menu. Ignore any warning about failing to connect.

8) Select "Settings" button to open the Settings drawer.

9) Select Type: Other Port: USBSerial-XXXX Rate 38,400. Note: OS X 10.9 and later users use Rate: 115,200

If AIS and/or Instruments are interfaced to the iMux, in the respective AIS and Instruments panel Settings drawer be sure to check "Use GPS Port".
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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