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Title: Isatphone
I recently bought an Isatphone intending to use it for email on the boat but am having difficulty finding out how to use it with the mac. There are several companies who will supply compression software but that costs around $240 per annum. I would just like to connect it simply to see that it works OK before parting with this amount of cash. Anyone had any experience with this?
I too am thinking of purchasing one. I spoke with SailMail and they have tested it with reliable results. Panbo has a good article on the phone.

You can sign up for a 3-day demo of XGate for the Mac/PC and for the iPhone (via a Cradlepoint Wi-Fi Access Point) at www.gmn-usa.com. This will let you try out the compressed email and web browsing that XGate provides over the sat phone (which is the only way to go, trying to do it uncompressed is painfully slow and incredibly expensive in airtime for the phone!).

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