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Title: iPad 3 with ShipModul MiniPlex 2Wi
I'm having problems getting iNavx on my iPad 3 to work with the ShipModul MiniPlex 2Wi I just installed. All the hardware seems fine - the MiniPlex data LED flashes green. The iPad recognizes the WiFi network and obtains an IP address with DHCP just fine. The MiniPlex WiFi LED lights up to indicate it has established a WiFi connection.

However, when I go into iNavx Preferences and set the NMEA Client settings as in the documentation, I get a TCP Connection timeout. It keeps trying, but never connects. No NMEA data appears in the console window.

The MiniPlex WiFi LED is supposed to blink when a TCP connection is established, however it remains steady, so it also does not believe it is connected.

Any ideas on what to try?


Hi, did you solve this? If so how?, having the same problem here! I tried with my ipad2 and my iphone 3gs with the same results! ( wifi conection established, ip obtained, no data and yellow light not blinking)
I have never tried using the 2Wi with an existing network (infrastructure mode), only used it in stand alone AdHoc mode. Most likely the IP address being entered into iNavX is not correct. Recommend consulting with Shipmodul for using 2Wi in a non AdHoc operation.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Hi,first time i look for help here, wasnt expecting such quick response! Smile i am actually using it as a standalone ad hoc i mean i get to see the miniplex 2wi and i connect to it with one device at a time, tried lots of ip adresses in the settings of inavx with no luck, no tcp connection is established. Ill contact shipmodul and maybe get a replacement? Im curious what happened with the one from the original poster..
Finally solved this with the help of the shipmodul support, who were really responsive, quite impressed Smile it turned out i needed to update the wifi module firmware for which a guide is included in the latest miniplex firmware update. After that everything is working great.

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