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Title: NMEA from Expedition to iNavX
I have configured Expedition to send NMEA over TCP server, and have successfully connected to the server with iNavX.

When i go to the TCP page in iNavX, i see the data stream in the green window, but the data doesn't display in the app.

the connection closes after about 10 lines of data.

my data doesn't look like correct NMEA data:





any ideas about how i can get it to work?
Yes, make sure you turn on NMEA data format. That looks like Expedition proprietary format. NMEA would look like this: $GPXXX,0,1,2,3*FF
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Update - I changed it so expedition uses UDP Tx instead of TCP.

Also, I added lat lon to the data sent by Expedition.

Now, the data stream does not disconnect in iNavX.

But, nothing displays on the iNavX instrument page. In fact, when the connection is active, the whole data page is grayed-out, none of the fields even show.

Now, my NMEA looks like this:

Still wrong format. Be sure to set NMEA-0183 format.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

i switched it to NMEA 183, and it is mostly working.
I have an active mark selected in Expedition, and pretty much every box in "NMEA" sentences to send" is checked.

I am not getting any waypoint info sent to iNavX

I also selected "send RTE and WPL" in Expedition...

Any idea why I am not getting the waypoint info?

so, i didn't have "enable waypoints" checked in the instruments TCP page of iNavX

it is getting waypoint info now, but not wpt names.

how does it get _any_ wpt info if there are no wpl or rte sentences?
The BWC, RMB sentences provide for the waypoint being navigated to by the interfaced GPS system.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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