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Title: Garmin 72 and GPSNavX tracks/waypoint transfer problems

I have bought a Garmin 72 GPS and would like to use it with GPSNavX.
It should replace my old but great Garmin 12, because the 72 is faster and onyl uses 2 batteries instead of 4, plus the marine package includes a cigarette lighter adapter plus a holder

Getting positions from the GPS (72) and navigating with GPSNavX is no problem.
But if I want to transfer tracks/waypoints my GPS shows a wiring problem?

I used to have a serial USB cable (PC type) which works great with a serial driver I found on internet.

The GPSNavX help states for transfering data from/to a GPS one needs a keyspan usb serial adapter which I got this week.

Transfering data from/to my Garmin 12 with keyspan cable works flawlessly, but there's no transfer to my Garmin 72.

I've found this settings on the garmin homepage

Now I'm confused to what settings I should use with GPSNavX?

Perhaps useful infos:
the data cable (garmin to serial) I use is the same on both Garmin GPS.
It was originally a data cable for the Garmin 12, but accessing NMEA data works with the Garmin 72 too.

Any hints?

Thx a lot in advance


The important step is that your Garmin be put in GARMIN (GRMN) data transfer mode (i.e. Not NMEA) when transfering waypoints, tracks and routes. Make sure the Type in the GPS Panel Settings drawer is set to "Garmin".

You could try using the LoadMyTracks application to see if you can successfully transfer tracks. LoadMyTracks will produce a GPX file which cam be imported into GPSNavX or MacENC.


GPSNavX and MacENC works great with the Keyspan USB to serial adapter. Others I cannot verify nor recommend.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Problem solved (still don't know what it was) Garmin 72 works now with GPSNavX.

Last time I did exactly as you stated with both cables (PC serial USB and Keyspan serial USB) and could not receive or send any data (Tracks, waypoint etc.)
Only the positions were shown correctly when in NMEA mode!

Today I tried again with the Keyspan cable and everything as OK!
This time the Garmin 72 worked coorectly and waypoints and tracks were transferred correclty too.

I really don't know what happened as I didn't change or installed anything new on by ibook!

Thx again.


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