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Title: GPSNavX 3.28 released
GPSNavX 3.28 released:

Note: Requires OS X 10.3 or later

Changes/Fixes since version 3.20:

- Satellite strength bars are now drawn in the correct colors (Red or Green) for OS X 10.4 (Tiger).

- GPS position data that is redundant or latent will be discarded.

- Center to position frequency will be limited to about a second.

- $__MWV wind/speed NMEA sentence interpreted for the Instruments panel.

GPSNavX performs very well on OS X 10.4 (Tiger), the rendering and scrolling speed are greatly enhanced. I recommend the upgrade. Article about the Quartz Imaging system improvements..

Mac Charting & Navigation
Where can one get the upgrade? I don't want to ask the programmers everytime when a new upgrade is released where to download it.
It would be nice if thos who registered GPSNavX would be notified by email where to download the next version.
As a registered customer, I regularly receive upgrade / notification emails from GPSNavX, usually with the URL of the download included (I don't post these URLs on here for obvious reasons!)

Maybe your email address is missing from his client list for some reason. I suggest emailing gpsnavx@mac.com :roll:

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