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Title: Connecting iNavX to MacENC
Jack! {am replying in separate thread as off original topic]

It can be fickle to get iNavX to receive the data stream from MacENC. There is useful advice on the MacENC website, linked from the MacENC help pages.

I have a unique 'location' set up in System Preferences->Network for this purpose. So once I have got it working I do not mess with the settings when connecting to a WiFi for internet purposes. In this 'location' in the TCP/IP advanced panel I set 'Using DHCP with manual address', which keeps the address the same each time. [I used to have it set to an easy to remember address but I can no longer get that to work, so I accept what it was, but with this option the address is always the same.] Remember to click on 'Apply' when you have changed the location.

Before creating the network, make sure no other device is connected to that network name - that can stop the Mac from creating a fresh network. Once you have MacENC running and connected to the GPS, check that the data can be monitored on the Mac using telnet, as described in the MacENC help pages, but quit telnet before connecting your iPad - only one connection at a time supported. Make sure your iPad is set to auto-join your ad hoc network, otherwise if it loses it, it will not rejoin.

If you are having difficulty, restart all devices for a clean try.

Once I have had it working, the connection often starts automatically when I launch iNavX. But If I have trouble, I work through a check list - for me it is as follows below.

I hope this helps, Tony

Setting up iPad for passage
1. Turn off WiFi on iPhone
2. Turn off WiFi on iPad
3. On Mac, open Network Preferences and select location Antipole
4. Create network Antipole
5. Check gateway cable plugged in and navigation instruments switched on
6. Launch MacENC
7. Open GPS and then TCP/IP and check all OK and address matches
8. Connect iPad to network Antipole
9. Turn up screen brightness
10. Turn on assistive touch if not on [needed because I cannot otherwise lock screen when iPad in my waterproof case]
11. Open iNavX -> Instruements -> TCP/IP and start and check for green list of data. Repeatedly switch Link off and on if needed to get green listing.
Thanks for the info. - will try again.
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