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Title: S-57 ENC's availability
I know the S-57 ENC's are available in the United States..


Can you please respond/post with the links to other sources for ENC's. Thanks. Hopefully they are FREE in other countries like they are in the United States.

There is no doubt that S-57 Vector charts are the future of marine charting.

Soon I will have big news about S-57 ENC support for the Mac.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
As far as I've found out, all UK S57 ENC's are supplied or licensed by the UKHO ( http://www.ukho.gov.uk ).

Unfortunately, you have to purchase individual charts, which cost £15.50 ($27) each.

More info below...

However, as I think I've mentioned before, EuroNav have already licensed the UKHO S57 data, and re-encrypted it in their "Livecharts" format and sell cartography for the whole of the UK for £99 ($160ish). Brian from Euronav is quite active on the Yahoo GPS-Navigator newsgroup and is aware of GPSNavX, and would, I'm sure be worth contacting. I'll email you my previous discussion with him.

Livecharts are available for the UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark & Sweden.
For my own, all informations about ENCs charts, catalogue, where and how to buy, are collected on the [url=http://www.ohi.shom.fr/]IHO website .
However, the distributors are only for commercial marine, and no way by the time for leasure mariners.
For europe, two main providers :
And each has its own distributors network.
It's not really easy for us, may be it will change :wink:

For a complete overview about ENCs charts, you may download these two PDFs :
[url=http://francis.fustier.free.fr/Forums/ENC_English.pdf]English version
[url=http://francis.fustier.free.fr/Forums/ENC_French.pdf]French version

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