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Title: Topo maps on Mac
Was showing an old climbing friend (a Mac user) GPSNavX and MacENC (trying to entice him into sailing) and he was quite intrigued. From his climbing background, however, he was wondering if there are also topo maps available that would work with it. USGS maps appear to be in DRG format, which I assume is different than BSB (why can't the gov work together???), and haven't yet found others in BSB. Is there a source? Is there a better Mac option for 'land' navigation?

Without a doubt TOPO! from NG is the best for this use..


GPSNavX and MacENC are specifically for marine use and of no value on land.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks - didn't realize NGS had a Mac version.
I create waypoints in NG TOPO! and then export them to Google Earth. Works well. I still use MacENC to suck in the track from my Garmin Foretrex, then export to Google Earth.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I have used this in the past with good results:


It is oriented more toward general purpose. For instance, you can scan paper maps or photos and "roll your own" digital maps based on (scaled from) points you have recorded with your own GPS unit .

However, for marine use it has no where near the functionality of GPSNavX.

The code is newly updated for OSX and is now Universal.

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