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Title: How to suppress own AIS vector?
I am using iNavX on a cockpit iPad to display data from MacENC running on the chart table.

iNavX displays two velocity vectors - yellow showing the predicted movement based on the navigation and orange from the AIS data.
The AIS data often lags behind the navigation data and when working at a very large scale the difference can be significant. I have, a few times, mistakenly used the orange vector instead of the yellow one and when manoeuvring in rocky channels that is unfortunate.

Is there any way of suppressing display of the orange vector? On McENC there is a useful ability to avoid display of one's own AIS position but I cannot find the equivalent in iNavX.

Any help appreciated
I don't believe there is a way to disable own ship (AIS) velocity vector. Only the position icon plot including velocity vector can be disabled by setting the Pos.Icon Color to clear in the Chart setup.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I had something similar: my position icon jumped back and forth whenever I switched on my AIS transponder. Actually I got two slightly different GPS position from my GPS and my AIS. As I use a Shipmodul MiniPlex 2Wi to send NMEA data via wifi to the iPad I could filter this NMEA sentence: AIVDO (AIS own position). Now I can not see my own AIS position (Pos.icon Color clear) but why should I want to.

Fair winds


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