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Title: Double Click not working Cannot edit route and waypoint names
I have had increasing difficulty editing waypoint names and route names to the point where it is nearly impossible now. I've changed track pointer and mouse settings in every conceivable method and nothing works, not even the command click. Why is something as simple as this not working. The Command Click control should work at a minimum. Someone like me who has dozen of routes and hundreds of waypoints, does not need to spend needless time trying to figure out something basic like this. It makes it very difficult to find a route when I need it--to the point now where I am considering erasing all my way points and creating a new route and waypoints every time I use the app. My next choice it to drop using this app and switch to something that works more reliably. Honestly, I chose this app because I like using my Mac for trip planning, but I have not seen the ease of use that Windows based navigation packages have, which were more advanced than this software 20 years ago.
Did you first select the Waypoint tool (white crossed bidirectional arrows at top left of window)?

Then double click the waypoint's name on the chart.

With other tools selected!
Click the waypoint on chart while holding down the control key.
Choose "Edit" from the context menu.
Double click the waypoint name in the Waypoint dialog.
— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

Waypoint setting can be changed. My big issue is changing route names. I have had some success if I close the app window and reopen it. At times I can select a different route and then click again on the one I want to change and can then edit it. For the most part I'd say I can edit a route time 1 in 20 or more attempts.

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