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Title: AIS Connection Help
We are going ahead with the NASA AIS.

Our GPS is already connected to our iBook for GPS Nav X using a Keyspan High Speed USB to Serial Converter.

Will I need to buy a double Keyspan adaptor or should we be doing something else?
You can use another Keyspan adapter if USB ports are at a premium then I would go with the Keyspan 4 port model..


If you are handy with data wiring then the best solution would be to use a Multiplexer such as the ShipModule..


Then you can connect your GPS, AIS and instruments all to one box and feed it into your Mac over one USB and serial port. If you go this route make sure you select "Use GPS Port" in the AIS and Instruments Settings drawers.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I went for the Keyspan option.

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