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Title: ENC symbols
What is the meaning of the pink thing that looks like a clock at 3 o'clock? Seems to be a warning, but I can't find it listed anywhere.
outstripp Wrote:What is the meaning of the pink thing that looks like a clock at 3 o'clock? Seems to be a warning, but I can't find it listed anywhere.

Remember, one of the benefits of using a vector based nav system (and MacENC specifically) is the ability to query a data point by clicking on it. If you click on the "pink thing", it's meaning and description will display in the Nav panel.
I believe what you are seeing is a "Caution Area" symbol. As bobetter indicates simply clicking on the object in question will display its properties in the Navigation panel. Often the "Information" field will display more specifics and some times a "More Information" field will be available. Select that and then press the "More Info" button.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
FWIW all the S-52 symbols can be found here..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Oddly enough, both port and starboard lateral spar buoys are now displayed in black unless "simplified symbols" is selected in which case they are shown correctly as green and red.
Quote:Oddly enough, both port and starboard lateral spar buoys are now displayed in black unless "simplified symbols" is selected in which case they are shown correctly as green and red.
That is the correct behavior for the "paper chart symbols" which are used when "simplified symbols" are not selected. The correct symbol in the case of "paper chart symbols" for a spar buoy is BOYSPR01 - page 67 of the Presentation Library Addendum. As noted it is solid black.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
the URL http://www.iho.shom.fr/publicat/free/fil...dendum.pdf doesnt seem to be valid any longer. Anyone know an updated/correct URL for the S57 symbols? thanks
All IHO documents can be found here..


Although it does appear the Presentation Library has been removed.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38


Peio Elissalde
Magic Instinct Software

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