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Title: PDA + GP + Mac
Here is the scenario: I would like to buy a PDA with GPS facility (or GPS with PDA facility) and use it on board and in the hills. Specifically, this means buying the relevant electronic chart for marine use, but also being able to scan a map of my local mountains and download it via my Mac to the PDA. Does such a beast exist?
Thinking about this problem for a while... at the moment (unless you use the old Newton) there's no "Apple" way of doing this, so it them becomes a choice between Palm and PocketPC. A lot depends on the format of your marine charts.. if their MapTech, then I'd suggest [url=http://www.memory-map.com/index.html]MemoryMap or Pocket Navigator.

For the PDA, go for a PocketPC running Windows Mobile 2003 SE (eeuugghhh), preferably with VGA resolution and bluetooth (ie. [url=http://www.totalpda.co.uk/HP-iPAQ-hx4700-Pocket-PC.aspx]HP iPaq hx4700

Now, if you're on-board, you can either "mirror" the Mac screen using something like VNC over Bluetooth or WiFi, or, I believe, stream GPS data from your Mac to the PocketPC using Bluetooth (you should be able to repeat the data to the Bluetooth port) and use MemoryMap to display your charts locally.

If you're walking, you'll need a GPS unit, either CompactFlash or Bluetooth.

Oh, and you'll need some software to install Maps / Apps on the PocketPC.. either VirtualPC running Windows, or Mark/Space's software, or PocketMac.

Not cheap, but it should work...

If anyone's had any success running a VGA-displayed PocketPC with VNC and GPSNavX, please post!
Thanks for the reply.I'd be quite happy to go down the Newton road! Would it be feasible? Can I connect a GPS to Newton? How? What about the maps?
I'm a big fan of the Newton, but unfortunately neither the platform nor its software are being developed any more.

The Newt Operating System (NOS) was, and is, in my honest opinion, streets ahead of both the Palm and Windows Pocket PC. I just wish that Apple had released NOS as Opensource after they discontinued Newton development.. that way I wouldn't have to use a "desktop computer / mouse" navigation system on a handheld device!!!

There is rather a nice mapping application for the Newton called GPSMap Lite which is available free of charge ( http://www.phys.uwosh.edu/mike/gps/Start_e.html ) but you'll have to convert your existing charts to the correct format. If they're MapTech BSB 4.0 this could be tricky (and potentially breach your license agreement!) Also, GPSMap is no longer supported or being developed.

The other issue is that you may have compatibility issues finding a CompactFlash / PCMCIA GPS that will work with the Newton. Although it's pretty compatible with most serial-based hardware, there aren't many active Newton GPS users out there, so if you run into problems, you're on your own!

Personally, I'd either go down the PocketPC route.. or keep my fingers crossed for a [url=http://hardware.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/05/10/226205&from=rss]Mac Tablet ;-) ;-)
Fingers duly crossed! I worked with a pocket pc for a while and was distinctly underwhelmed by its performance. Ho hum

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