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Title: Leopard Compatibility
I've briefly tested Mr. Tides 3 with Leopard and found that the moon symbols on the calendar aren't right. Full moon and new moon are all messed up, but the quarter moons are ok.

I still need to test printing. I'll do that in the next few days.

I need to figure out why the font I'm using for the moon symbols is no longer working, and select a new font. As soon as I do, and fix any other issues that might pop up, I'll post an update. I'll have to be sure it runs on Tiger still as well, which might add a day or two onto the schedule.

More testing on Leopard shows visual artifacts while changing the day view, and the date pickers on both month and text views don't work. They don't hang the application when you change the dates, they just don't do anything. I'm working on an update now, hopefully it'll be out soon.


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