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Title: chart of baja peninsular incl cabo
Looking for a downloadable chart of the above. Any leads?
I don't think you'll find any ENCs for Baja yet, except for a few small bays. I just checked both Primar-Stavanger and Chartworld, and neither had any ENC's listed for southern Baja. You'll have to go with Raster charts, either buy from Maptech, or get copies of the old Softchart's that Jim Innes has on his website. Do an advanced search under his user name on this board and email him for access.

Charting for all Baja is poor and based on old WWII US mapping. Charlies Charts and/or other guidebooks are pretty essential

jagasail Wrote:based on old WWII US mapping

Opps, meant 'old WWII US "CHARTING"'...

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