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Title: Tides for iPhone
I'm working on a version of Tides for the iPhone, but I've been turned down by the iPhone Dev Center so I can't get much help there. I have the SDK and I plan to get a version running on the iPhone simulator, but I have no way to get it onto a real iPhone nor a way to send it to Apple to put it on the iPhone Store (which is the only way to distribute iPhone applications). So you'll have to wait - how long I have no idea.

Pricing is going to be around $10 - $15. Yup, it actually costs me money to develop this so I'm going to have to charge for it. Sigh.

Don't give up too quickly; apparently Apple's iPhone developer refusals are only temporary!

— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

None the less it would be too risky to commit resources to iPhone development until one was certain Apple would accept the pending development application because Apple will hold the strings when it comes to releasing any iPhone programs through its online store.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
export to ical from Mr tides, then subscribe to the ics in ical, works a treat

or... same sort of thing, for example go to a site like


and download the ics file from there, add it to your ical, when you next sync your iphone it'll be in ical on the phone and update through whatever data connections are available on the phone
I recently downloaded a free tides application from the iphone store and wondered if it was yours?
No, our is AyeTides.

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