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Title: iPhone 3G With GPS
Just announced by Apple.
Nice price points. Sorry for those who spent $500 for version 1 without 3G and GPS.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Hi Rich

So as the iPhone is officially announced, can you tell us if iNavX for the iPhone will use the built in GPS? Or some of MobileMe functionalities like having charts on .Mac now MobileMe so the the iPhone can access it?




Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
GPSnavX, I don't get your reply to cyberhusky. Is MacENC going to take advantage of the features in the iphone?

I'd love to have the laptop connect via wifi or bluetooth to a phone at the bridge, I think a simple thing like Garmin's roadmap showing your crosstrack error, entering waypoints on the phone, or take a picture with the phone ad have macENC make a waypoint that marks it. (BIG ROCK ON LEFT!!) lots of other potentially neato features could be had.

MacENC (The OS X application) will not be running on an iPhone. Being careful not to violate an NDA, yes we will have an application for iPhone/iPOD Touch that supports all the respective features of the device (i.e. GPS, WIFI) and integrates well with MacENC.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Schweeet Smile Already Saving my pennies for a new killer app to buy!
My credit card is twitching. A GPS I-Phone with MacENCish software.

On passage it would be useful to, say, run the I-Phone and synch navigational data from time to time with MacENC on the MacBook.

Now how do I get my existing charts into an I-Phone?....

Got to be a bit careful as I will need to Jailbreak the phone to use it with a multiple SIM cards while cruising.
John Proctor
S/V Chagall
Sun Odyssey 37.2
I'm assuming the 3g iPhone has 'fixed' the ability to be unlocked.

for now.... Smile
xymotic Wrote:GPSnavX, I don't get your reply to cyberhusky. Is MacENC going to take advantage of the features in the iphone?

I'd love to have the laptop connect via wifi or bluetooth to a phone at the bridge, I think a simple thing like Garmin's roadmap showing your crosstrack error, entering waypoints on the phone, or take a picture with the phone ad have macENC make a waypoint that marks it. (BIG ROCK ON LEFT!!) lots of other potentially neato features could be had.
The answer by GPSNavX was enough for me... As Apple states any application can access the GPS so I was sure iNavX (GPSNavX for the iphone/itouch) will use this feature too.

As for your other idea taking geo tagging pix as waypoints reference seems great. I'm sure GPSNavX will surprise us. I'm just hoping the lastest iPhone will it make to Luxembourg, didn't find any reference on Apple's homepage.
I "unlocked" my Touch without any problems.

These people seem confident they will be able to unlock 2.0

I normally buy a new SIM card when spending more than a couple of weeks in one country. If I can't "unlock" the phone I won't buy one.
John Proctor
S/V Chagall
Sun Odyssey 37.2
Mum will be the word until July 11..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Just for info

TomTom Streetnavigator software (the best portable navigation system) is running on the new iPhone!
Now I can sell my SE P1 I just used it because of TomTom.

More info here:

At $199 and faster it's finally got my attention. Interesting, though, that ATT's wireless site has no mention of it (recognizing it's not available for another month). In fact, in their online store page it doesn't even list Apple among the manufactures supplying phones! Must only be currently available phones, but would have been nice to see their pricing.

Manou, with availability in 70 countries I'm sure Luxembourg must be among them Wink
A Tom Waits twist of course - I understand the ATT data plan (US customers) will increase $10 per month, plus a new 2 year contract for upgrades. - Charlie
jagasail Wrote:Manou, with availability in 70 countries I'm sure Luxembourg must be among them Wink

On Wednesday Luxembourg was included to Apple's iPhone list:
but I have to change my Network provider :-(



This just in from Apple Insider:

Jerry Richter
Bristol 27, Outside Time
the deal with 02 in the UK is a free upgrade, if you extend you're contract to a full 18months again, which is actually only adding an extra 8 months

I guess "iwhateveritiscalledbutapplesayswecan'ttellyouyet" will be one of my first trips to the app store
Looking Forward to the 3G iPhone: GPS
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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