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Title: MacENC "Freezing"
Perhaps freezing is not the best term but here's what was happening. But first let me say that we just took our first extended cruise and, except for what I'm going to describe, the software was great.

I had several instances, more frequent later in the trip, where MacENC stopped detecting the GPS input. I have it tied to a Garmin 210 via Keyspan serial port. There is no other equipment tied to either the Garmin or the laptop. My MacBook Pro is powered either by DC or AC (generator or inverter), in either case using MacGyver's Kensington power brick set-up. During each episode, the Garmin continued to track, so I know I was receiving signals. I first tried to close the GPS window and then reconnect, to no avail. Then I quit MacENC and restarted. I think that may have worked once. But the vast majority of the times I had to do a computer restart. Each time, I double checked USB connections and found nothing amiss. And I could not tie it to rough water perhaps affecting connections.

A few times this occurred on initial start-up, but most occurrences were after tracking well for awhile. It just suddenly quit receiving. Has anyone experienced this or are there some suggestions?

Jerry Richter
Bristol 27, Outside Time
Could be a driver problem with the USB adapter... are you running the latest version of the Keyspan drivers?
Never knowingly overcanvassed!
I would assume so as I just bought this set-up last spring (around March). The Garmin is the only old item in the system. I'll take a look at the website and see if there is anything more current. Could it be the age of the Garmin?
Jerry Richter
Bristol 27, Outside Time

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