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Title: ENC system available for iPhone
Navimatics has released an ENC system for the iPhone using true vector charts and is called "Marine Maps".
It uses the integrated GPS to display the actual position.

But it looks like the app has much less features ass iNavX.

Until now only some charts are available and according to the Apple Store it seems like you have to buy the app for each chart region you need! Which makes it very expensive as each version costs 35,99 Euro. Though one doesn't need all regions but if you buy 2 or 3 it's very expensive considering that the NOAA ENC charts are free.
Also there are no other chart coverage except USA.

More info here

and in the Apple Store.


Isn't this a great time to be a geek?

It looks like a very early first version. The guy behind it certainly has street credibility for software development. I'd bet on better future releases. The fact is that iNavX is a very basic first version too. Competition is a good thing for everyone.

It's interesting to note that Rich bought their product and wrote a review of it. Check out the Pacific Northwest version in the App Store.
Yes it is exciting to see NOAA ENCs based charts come to iPhone. Hopefully the Navimatics developer will turn Marine maps into something useful. On another positive note, Very soon iNavX will offer high quality world-wide chart and map coverage.

For those who can't access my review of Marine Maps in iTunes here it is..

Quote:For complete disclosure, I am the developer of iNavX Marine Navigation app which uses NOAA RNC raster marine charts (not maps).

Marine Maps is a very basic marine chart (not map) viewer. It is not a functioning chart plotter. I would not recommend using it for navigation, but it is handy to look at the NOAA ENC vector charts. A decent first start. Hopefully more functionality will be added soon making it useable for navigation.

- Very quick scrolling and zooming although scrolling is not animated based on drag acceleration
- App returns to last place looking before exiting
- A basic US chart is included
- No way to measure distance or bearing
- No way to create or navigate to a waypoint
- No indication of speed or course
- Detail coverage missing for many areas as NOAA ENC coverage is incomplete (not developers fault)
- The chart switches to a very low scale when scrolling and zooming making it difficult to know where you are looking
- Often times, the search keyboard and input field come up after zooming
- No way to update the charts straight from the FREE NOAA ENC website
- No chart version info
- While the chart rotation is interesting, it would be a nice way if there was a way to "lock" North Up
- Zoom out is limited to 1:5000,000
- Zoom in is limited to 1:5,000
- Soundings fixed in meters
- When tapping to get info, the list is sorted by largest to smallest item (area, line, point)
- Typical of ENCs often times, text overwrites other text
- Area borders not plotted using proper marine symbols
- What format is lat,lon entered in?
- Large download (33+ MB) size makes for very slow synching
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
GPSNavX Wrote:Very soon iNavX will offer high quality world-wide chart and map coverage.
Perhaps Rich is ready to talk about the Navionics relationship and iNavX2?

I'm curious about the cost for Navionics charts. How is all of that going to work? Also, what happens to people who bought iNavX 1?
iNavX2 will bring Navionics cartography to iPhone. I don't yet have the answers to your questions, but as soon as I do I will post them here in this forum. I am excited to team up with Navionics to offer the best cartography available.

iNavX2 was shown at the Genova boat show in Italy this last weekend. iNavX2 was well received..

Click Here
(Scroll down for pictures)
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
so how is iNavX likely to work for the UK market place then??

do we buy navionics charts separately then somehow load them to the phone or what??
iNavX2 will be available world-wide from the iTunes app store. iNavX2 will give the user access to the Navionics chart and map library. The iNavX app, and map and chart prices have not been set at this time.

There are no plans to discontinue iNavX, as it is designed for US waters using the free RNCs directly from NOAA. Unlike other nav apps on other platforms (i.e. PCs, Macs, Phones) I have steered clear of embedding costly, obsolete or no way to update, proprietary (i.e. my own format) cartographic data in my apps.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
GPSNavX Wrote:iNavX2 will give the user access to the Navionics chart and map library. The iNavX app, and map and chart prices have not been set at this time.

think I get the picture.... $xx for the app $xx + $yy for a subscripton to a navionics library held online somewhere??

if thats the case, what happens if you've got no coverage on the phone either gprs,3g or wifi??
Once the charts are downloaded to the iPhone an internet connection is not needed..


I recommend charts be downloaded when one has a wifi connection, but it is very possible to download the charts with a cell connection.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Just so I'm not missing something...

You get to purchase iNavX for $50 now. Later on, you get to re-purchase iNavX (2) for another fee (another $50?) PLUS the cost of the Navionics charts?

And Navionics charts currently cost how much for, let's say, the East coast of the US? Or what do they cost today for the UK?
Those outside the US or Canada will not have purchased iNavX. Those inside the US or Canada would only purchase iNavX2 if they wanted the additional functionality the Navionics maps and charts provides. I would suspect most in the US would be content with the free NOAA RNCs iNavX uses. As noted above, the prices for iNavX2 and the charts and maps has not been set at this time.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I have followed the evolution of iNAVX from the other side of the Atlantic without any possibilities to get my hand of it. I look really forward to have this possibility in a close futher. I´m also see that a more close relation with Navionics (or other map producer) will also benefitt chart supply to MacENC. Hopefully, we will not need to buy two copy of the same chart for use in the iphone and in MacENC?
GPSNavX Wrote:Once the charts are downloaded to the iPhone an internet connection is not needed..


I recommend charts be downloaded when one has a wifi connection, but it is very possible to download the charts with a cell connection.


only one thing puts me off, and I might have missed it somewhere, so forgive the question....


I've got loads of em already, but can't see a way of getting them from the mac to the phone??
markH Wrote:
GPSNavX Wrote:Once the charts are downloaded to the iPhone an internet connection is not needed..


I recommend charts be downloaded when one has a wifi connection, but it is very possible to download the charts with a cell connection.


only one thing puts me off, and I might have missed it somewhere, so forgive the question....


I've got loads of em already, but can't see a way of getting them from the mac to the phone??

I guess the deafening silence means no! Smile
I am adding support to transfer both GPX and KML (Google Earth) files to/fro iNavX. Nav software such as GPSNavX/MacENC, and other Windows titles support import/export of both GPX and KML file format.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

can't wait to get a UK version!

I should also mention the current version of iNavX imports all waypoints that come over TCP/IP NMEA. So if you "Goto" a waypoint in MacENC, iNavX can also use it.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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