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Title: Daylight Savings Time?
OK, that time of year where I always get messed up. Still haven't figured if I leap forward or backwards :crazy:

I need to get a tow tomorrow, and currents will be critical. Today is daylight savings time, tomorrow is not. So... If I TODAY look at currents in Mr. Tides for TOMORROW (specifically Limestone Point) is the slack tide time shown for tomorrow standard or daylight time? My Mac's clock, of course, is showing daylight today but will switch to standard time tomorrow...

Mr. Tides adjusts automatically so you'll see the times as they would be on that day, with DST taken into account. With Mr. Tides 3 you'll see the difference, as the time zone will say PST for us West Coast people, instead of PDT. I wasn't able to do this in v2 but in v3 and Cocoa, it was so simple.

Hmm, if you have v2 I'd strongly urge you to install v3, I'm not sure if the DST rules in v2 cover the recent changes in when DST flips.

Duhhhh, so if I'd looked closely I would have realized the "d" changed to an "s" when I went from Saturday to Sunday... sort of like when Rich told me to look at the top of the window frame to tell whether the soundings are feet or fathoms... I'm duly chastised! Blush
I never thought to look at the top of the MacENC window to see what the units are! I learn something new every day :o
Soundings - the one measurement you had better know what the units are in ALL the time!

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Geeeee, now I don't feel so bad!
GPSNavX Wrote:Soundings - the one measurement you had better know what the units are in ALL the time!

Fathom... isn't that how far a cannon ball will fly? Wink Or was that canon...
Having trouble fathoming fathoms? At least we don't have to deal with cables. Is that a length, a wire, or a message?

If you really want to open a can of worms, ask anyone outside the US what a 'meter' is. They'll tell you it's a device to measure something, like a gas meter. A 'metre' is the unit of length.
And how many fathoms is 20,000 leagues, and if it's under the sea, does that mean below the sea floor??? Or, did Captain Nemo know something we didn't! Oh, then that would be a journey to the center of the earth. Opps, wrong movie :crazy:

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