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Title: Good Old Sextants
I use GPS Nav X with great success, but as a backup does anyone know of a sight reduction software package for the Mac?
Don Meginley
Grand Banks 36' "Maggie May"
19' Catboat "Tiggy"
Master's Mate if one I'm aware of, though it's a bit old. I think it can still be downloaded via links in VersionTracker:


There was another program by some guy in South America that was fairly nice, but I can't find it just now. I think it was still being updated. I'll look for it.
Well turns out the one I was thinking of is Windows based - I must have had it when I still had a corporate issued Bill Gates piece of...

It also appears that while you can download the demo of Master's Mate, Kagi can't accept orders so you can't get a key to unlock it. Bummer,

What I'd also be curious of (related to celestial navigation) is if there is a Mac star finder/sky chart program. Thought I used to have one of those but can't seem to find it anymore.

Well there are several star chart packages on the market. There is a free, simple desktop widget at:

You can link to the Orion webpage for more detailed packages at a price.

I used their competitor, Voyager, for some time and found it excellent:


— —•••  •••— —
 Jon Longworth

While I've never used any of this software, I just emailed our astronomy teacher at work about a special, 47% off, limited time offer (ends tomorrow) at macupdate. Here's the link for those interested:


Jade Wrote:.... I used their competitor, Voyager, for some time and found it excellent:

When I grow up I want to be Peter Pan.
Thanks - got the widget, which is great for a simple (and free) program. I'm looking at the other's now.

I've used Voyager since it was first released 20 odd years ago. Used it in my 2nd year Physics classes while still toiling in the public schools. Carina released a "light" version called SkyGazer. The demo version is totally adequate for star and planet positions and is free. If you decide to buy Stargazer it is about a third the cost of Voyager. You can download a demo at the carinasoft site.

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