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Title: IPhone blogging
I was recently looking for a decent blogging application for my iPhone to keep my sailing blogs up2date while offshore.

The requirements include posting of text and photos and keep a tracking map, so my friends and family at home can follow my progress. I stumbled upon a nice solution, that doesn't require you to install an app.

The IPhone 3G as capable of geotagging your photos by using the internal GPS receiver. The TripSailor site ( http://www.tripsailor.com ) allows you to update your sailing blog via email. That's not so special, but one feature is quite interesting for us IPhone owners. The site analyses the geotags in the photos and draws your route on a Google map


What's really cool about the IPhone - you can write your email if your not connected to the internet. It will keep your emails in the outbox. As soon as you're back in the harbor or somewhere nearshore where you have internet connection it will send the emails and update your blog.
downside with the iphone for me, especially where blogs are concerned is that the facility to upload pictures from within safari is disabled.

Real pain that one. you can get little apps to upload to something like flikr, but then, there's no copy and paste so you end up writing the url down then having to retype it, which is all a bit rubbish

I use my own blog app, and get around by using the superb FTPtoGo app, which allows me to ftp pictures from the phone to wherever. Fine for me as the blog is on my own server, but for anyone using blogspot or anything, you're a bit screwed when it comes to posting pics
The solution from Mike seems to be a work-around of the safari/iphone limitations, cause sending a photo by email is possible.
Most commonly you probably don't have a FTP login if you run your blog on one of the most popular services. The email posting solution seems to work well with blogspot as well. The advantage of the TripSailor solution is the possibility to automatically draw your route on a map, based on the geotagged photos. How else could you read the location from the GPS receiver of your IPhone and post it to your blog?

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