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Title: MaxSea and Parallels
Hi There,
I have seen several postings on this subject but they are a bit old.

I have been running MazSea for over 5 years on a Windows XP machine without serious issues. I have also been running it on an Intel Mac under Boot Camp for almost as long with no issues.

I have just installed parallels and have a problem. MaxSea will not open the charts. It cant find them. It searches and searches then hangs up.

I have it configured exactly the same way as on my old Windows machine and on the Boot Camp side of this intel Mac but under parallels it just searches and searches and finally hangs.

Ideas anyone?
Hi Ed,

If you get tired of Parallels... It works great using VMWare Fusion.
I wonder if you or anyone else could give some of the benefits of Fusion vs Parallels. I'm new to both and trying to figure out which one to use.
I have never tried Parallels, but having read about other users problems I elected to go with Fusion. It works great with MaxSea 10. I have Raymarine on my boat and use a Keyspan serial to usb to interface the two. In order for MaxSea to work, it only see's serial ports 1 and 2... I use a product called GPSGate to access the required serial port.

The Raymarine data is also available to MacENC.
I successfully ran MaxSea 10.x in Parallels, but could not get the CMap charts to work. MaxSea would not recognize the CMap charts. I spoke with Jeppesen and they said they would not work in that construct. I sold MaxSea and the charts.

Sounds like I should have tried Fusion.
Too bad. Great program, MaxSea.
Yes MaxSea is a great program. I too had trouble with it under Parallels. It DOES however work under Fusion.

Honestly, Parallels is a smoother running program with few quirks but it will not run MaxSea.
Fusion will run it but it is a bit clunky by comparrisson.

Transferring Waypoints from MaxSea to the NEW Garmns is completely IMPOSSIBLE. I have been trying for over a year.
If anyone has found a solution I would like to know.

In the end, I swithced to Fugawi. It works great under either Fusion or parallels, EXCEPT, getting the Waypoints into any of the NEW GARMIN units is not smooth. You CAN do it from the Windows platform but Garmin does not make it easy, in fact, they seem to be specifically blocking ALL attempts at good responsible navigation.

I have been in contact with Garmin about these issues for some time now and besides laughing at the problem, seem totally disinterested.

Result--I strongly advise anyone seeking a new GPS for Serious Ocean navigation to purchasesomething other than a Garmin.

S/V Entracte
Drummer Buoy Wrote:Transferring Waypoints from MaxSea to the NEW Garmns is completely IMPOSSIBLE.
How about providing some additional information? What Garmin device? What software and version are you using? Have you considered exporting the navigation data to a file and then using another application to transfer it to the Garmin?

Hi There,
See my thread(s) under the banner transferring waypoints to the NEW garmin GPS

I have two--a 520 qnd a 520 S--

YES you CAN upload waypoints to these units via an SD card IF you go through a somewhat complicated process to prepare the card BUT these units DO NOT use .GPX format---rather Garmins proprietary .ADM . SO you can only get the waypoints into the GPS by FIRST saving them to GPX THEN importing them into Garmins Trip and Waypoint manager(which will convert them to ADM. THEN re-export them to the SD card and finally upload them to the GPS.

All well and good EXCEPT: 1. Trip and waypoint MGR is ONLY Windows based and 2. Garmin told me that they have stopped support on the program even though they still offer it on the web site---

They have their latest version of MAPSOURCE which will do the job BUT you must first have Trio installed in order to get the map source update.

I have been speaking to Garmin about solving this for over a year and they are not really that interested. You dont want to now what they really said.

All we are trying to do is a simple thing like upload a few waypoints into a GPS. Even in the Windows evnviornment it is needessly comlicated

Sounds complicated? You bet. Needlessly so.

Would love to use mac ENC but even though ENC will work with garmions Road Trip ---Road trip will not interface with the 520--- GPS Babel does not (as yet) support ADM.

Again spoke to Garmin about it and they just laughed--"Why would you want to do that?"

As soon as i make landfall in new Zealand i intend to sell these and install something else.
illini71 Wrote:I successfully ran MaxSea 10.x in Parallels, but could not get the CMap charts to work. MaxSea would not recognize the CMap charts. I spoke with Jeppesen and they said they would not work in that construct. I sold MaxSea and the charts.

Sounds like I should have tried Fusion.

was bored today so was tinkering with maxsea and CM93 again and finally got it to recognise and open the charts, there's a few of the installed .ini files you have to change, and you have to run through CmapEd2Access thing as well.

only taken me about 2 years to get the thing to work!

not that I'll be using it now, the boat is definately a PC free zone!

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