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Title: Mac ENC with NEW Garmin Marine GPS
I have tried and enjoyed the demo of Mac ENC BUT I could not find any way of getting the saved way points into my new Garmin 520.

In the windows platform I can save the waypoints as GPX files BUT you must pass them through garmin's Trip and waypoint manager in order to "Garminize" them.

With Mac ENC you cant do that because there is no Mac version of Trip and waypoint.

I CAN garminize the waypoints effectively with Garmons "Road Track" But that program will not communicate with the Garmon 520.
I spoke to Garmn Tech support and they just laughed.

Has anyone had any success with this combination.

I am rather sorry i bought a Garmin.
I believe there is an answer.

1) Export the waypoints from MacENC as KML or GPX

2) Use GPSBabel to convert the GPX or KML file to Garmin GDB format. Copy that on to an SD card that the Garmin 520 can read. Insert the card into the Garmin 520.

Refer to page 27 of the Garmin 520 manual on viewing user data.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I will give that a try soonest. Will let you know how it went.
Not specifically for the problem you mentioned, but you might also look at

GPSMAP 520/520S, Ver. 4.30, as of Nov 19, 2008, Download version 4.30
Well, I tried once again but am back at SQURE ONE with all of this.

The NEW Garmin units use a VERY PROPRIETARY code called


Therefore, you save your waypoints to GPX format then upload them to Garmin's Trip and waypoint Manager--which they claim is no longer available---I DO have my old copy--

Then evidently Trip and waypoint "Garminizes" eveything and you can then jump through the rest of the hoops and finally upload to your 520/ 530 etc.

If you can not gain access to trip and Waypoint you are finished.

GPS Babel does no support .ADM (at least my lastest download does not).

If you or anyone else out there has a work around I and everyone else in this position would appreciate a head's up.

I for one am sorry that I ever purchased not one but TWO plus their charts---which by the way are stunning---but far too restricive to be useful.

As soon as I reach New Zealand it all gets dumped and I will go elsewhere.

Any solutions would be appreciated.
Hello and thanks for that. I made the download and will install it when I return to the boat.

Unfortunately they have fixed a lot of stuff but not what I really need.

Am I crazy to want to sit at a desk either on my boat or at home---plug an SD Card into the computer, view the charts on a large screen, do the research, plot the waypoints and routes and then send all that info to the GPS in one burst---

as opposed to--
sitting wedged into the chart table with my arm outstretched--scrolling through all the menues, pressing buttons and taking an hour to do what i could do in 30 seconds or less?

I must be missing something.

I dont see how it would cost Garmin anything to allow us to insert their chart into the Card reader of the computer, READ(not upload) the charts on the large screen of the computer and then
re-insert the card into the GPS and have all of the woaypoints and tracks be there.

I guess I am just crazy.
The current Garmin Software to transfer routes etc to and from Garmin and Mac is "Road Trip". I just tried to open a .gpx file I saved from MacEnc in Road Trip and I got the message that it was not a valid GPX file, so is the problem with Garmin or MacEnc? Maybe MacEnc might comment on this? If it were to work then it would provide a easy path to transfer data between MacEnc and a Garmin GPS
Not sure why Garmin's Road Trip no longer likes MacENC's GPX file. I am able to import the MacENC GPX file into several other applications (Google Earth, NG Topo!, LoadMyTracks, PassagePlus). In the mean time I recommend using LoadMyTracks to transfer GPX and KML files to Garmin GPS..


Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
I have identified why Garmin's RoadTrip version 2 was incompatible with most GPX files. The next release of MacENC and GPSNavX will have the required fix.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
What Garmin GPS do you have?

Mine is the 520 and the 520S--both are the latest generation.
You can not connect them to the computer via the NMEA stream.

They do NOT use .GPX format for waypoints but Garmin's proprietary .ADM.

GPS Babel does not support .ADM

Unfortunately my 520/520S will not recognize anything from Road Trip . Perhaps the latest version?

I really like MacENC but he demo version will not allow me to save any waypoints for experimentaion. The company sent me a few a while back and nothing I tried would allow me to upload into the unit.

MY only hope is Trip and Waypoint Manager---sadly unsupported for Mac platform.

The first program developer who supports .ADM wins the prize.

If anyone has a solution I am all ears.
When you use "Load my Tracks" etc as you stated above, did you have success with the 520/530/540 series?

If so I would love to figure out what i am missing. This method does not work with my 520
Sorry I've taken so long to reply. I have only tried and succeeded to transfer tracks to a Garmin 60C. I used the garmin serial interface with a generic USB to serial convertor that I purchased from
Why can't you connect to the NMEA stream? I don't have a Garmin 520, but I do have a Garmin GPSMAP 3005c. Garmin does not sell a 9 pin serial adapter for my plotter, but I was able to make my own. Once connected to my macbook via a USB-Serial adapter, I can then upload and download waypoints from my Mac. I create all my routes/waypoints with MacENC and upload them via GPSBabel over the serial cable.

I just downloaded and reviewed the installation manual for your 520. The 520 has two NMEA ports. You can pick either one. I will assume you want to use port 2 (thats what I use) for data transfer. First you need to buy a DB9 serial plug with solder connections (or crimp connections?) and also a 9 pin serial to USB adapter. You can get them at Radio Shack and some computer retailers (don't try the mac store, they won't have them!). The db9 connector should have some numbers indicating which pin is which. If not, use google to get a photo of a DB9 to consult. The pin numbers are always the same. You solder the grey wire on your Garmin GPS harness to the DB9 pin #2 (GPS NMEA Tx, Computer NMEA Rx). Then solder the violet wire to DB9 pin #3 (GPS NMEA Rx, Computer NMEA Tx). Then solder a connection from the black wire to pin #5 (ground). Thats it, now you have a serial connection to your GPS. If you want to use NMEA port 1 instead, consult your manual for the proper wire colors. Now you should be able to use GPSBabel to upload waypoints directly to the GPS, without using a data card. Even though you have everything hooked up properly, GPSBabel fails the transfer every once in a while. Just try it again, and it should work. GPSBabel never fails the transfer halfway through, it just needs a kick in the pants to get started once in a while.

I used a long piece of Cat 5 ethernet cabling to extend the serial port on my GPS to my nav station. Now I can leave my macbook at the Nav Station and I can upload/download all the waypoints/routes/tracklogs that I desire. At the end of every season, I download the complete set of tracklogs and save them. I can also leave the macbook running and MacENC will plot my position on the screen. I don't leave the macbook running very long that way, as the battery runs down to quickly.

email me if you need any further explanation: bob (at) funautical (dot) com
For those who are not comfortable soldering, we are now offering a direct USB to NMEA bare wire adapter that can be crimped on to the Garmin power/data cable..


Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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