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Title: Not having vessel visible
Is there a way not to have the Vessel in the middle of the screen without disconnecting the GPS? I can use "open route" but if I attempt to change the scale etc MacEnc always scrolls to the vessel position, then to make matters worst "open route" fails after using the function a few times.

I must add that after using MacENC for the last four days aboard my Newport 30 I think it's a great piece of software, particularly using my iphone as a "remote" screen. If only there was a rugged version of a MacBook available.

Disable "Position Centered" on the "View" menu then if you wish to have the chart scroll to the current GPS position select the [^] button on the MacENC toolbar..


You might be better off selecting "Routes" from the "Window" menu if you already have the "Routes" window open.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Many thanks, couldn't see the wood for the trees!


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