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Title: New glossy MacBook Pro's
Has anyone tried a new "glossy" MacBook in full, direct sunlight? I'm afraid the reflections might render the MacBook unusable for navigation on the flybridge.
I am new here and like what I see.
I have the macbook with glossy screen; for the most part I have no problem with it in sunlight unless the sun is behind me and shining into the screen.

I have 2 questions for the experts here:
1. Any ideas on how to protect the macbook from the water that comes on board my cruiser (sorry I do not sail).
2. Since there is no mac netbook, has anyone installed OSX onto a PC netbook. I thought that this was not possible because in the ROM there is instructions that does not allow installation of Leopard or similar OS X software.

I want to use my NAVx with newer charts and am tired of supporting Garmin with every software updates.

I ask question 2 after doing a search on the forum here and seeing scant info.

I hope I can stay on this forum even though I am not a sailor and a power boater.

Thank you

Thanks, I was afraid that the glare would be too much.

In answer to your question about waterproofing, you might look at "Shellbacking" the laptop. http://golden-shellback.com/

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