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Title: Make your own BSB charts!!
Magic Instinct Software (France) has developed a utility that will create BSB charts from other raster formats. My preference is to use professionally calibrated marine charts, but here is the link for those who wish to make their own charts.



Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Has anyone had any luck getting this to work? I calibrated a couple of topo maps and saved them as .kap files ok, but gpsnavx won't open them.
My agreement with Maptech prevents me from creating BSB format charts. If you email me (gpsnavx@mac.com) the chart (please compress it with StuffIt) you created I can sort out the issue. Also you should contact the developer of Raster2BSB..


p.s. I was informed today there is a new version of Raster2BSB..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
thanks for the quick reply... I don't want to bother you with this, I am just playing with some things. I just thought someone might have gotten it to work. Tried the new version this morning and got a chart to open, but the colors are all wrong (white areas are black, etc.)
I too have been unable to get MacENC to recognise the kap file. Trying to make some charts for inland lakes in Asutralia. Anyone had any success?

I would post to the Raster2BSB site but my French is non existent!

email me the .kap file and I will sort out why MacENC is not happy with it. Thanks.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Hello 'psjamesc',

Could you send me some details about the problems you have regarding thes convertion of Australian inland lakes charts into .kap BSB charts ?

Remember that :
- RasterChart has to be used only with MacOX 10.4 (Tiger) : not compatible with 10.3 Panther
- your original chart has to be in Mercator projection and WGS84 datum : we haven't (yet) implemented any conversion of projection and datum.

Don't hesitate to send me your original map if necessary.

Best regards.

Peio Elissalde
Magic Instinct Software
love the software, but the frustration of trying to enter the coordinates is killing me--it is mad at me I think. I'm trying to enter in degree and decimal minutes, i.e. 31 deg 24.056 min North, etc--not working for me

I don't understand the origin of your problem.

RasterChart2BSB integrates GeoFormater, a specific Cocoa library (developed by MIS in open source) used to understand any Lat/Lon format input.
See : http://geoformatter.sourceforge.net

So if you want to enter 31°24.056 N (DDMM.MMM), you can type for example :
. 31°24.056 N
. 31 24.056


Peio Elissalde
Magic Instinct Software
no, actually, I can't type that in.
I enter
37 50.592 N
and then when I try to move out of that data entry field to the next, it beeps at me and will not let me. I.e. it will not accept that as an input. I have tried to input it many different ways. I can give it as 37 50 35 (i.e. in deg.min.sec) but not as decimal degrees.
try using a comma for the decimal point

I've tried this app some times ago by converting weather charts to BSB charts. I imported them in GPSNavX do have an idea where what depression or high is.

I used fax weather charts like these:


Now with GRIB Data it isn't necessary anymore.
I am making my own charts with RasterChart to BSB for several years now. Also with x.6 there are no problems at all and de charts are very accurate.
MacENC and GPSNavX are using them very well.
I can answer almost all the questions, but my english language is to slow to do this in a short time.
Most of my constructed charts are on Jim chart server for downloading.
much thanks, the comma works for me!
Thank you for this hint! I already made some charts for use with GPSNavX.
It would be great if there was a way to import them also into iNavX! Wink

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