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Title: iNavX 2.0.4 is now available
Enhancements include:

"Routes" in the "Waypoints" view allows the creation, editing and navigation of routes.
"Wave Height" in "Request GRIB" on "Forecast" view will request a GRIB file with Wave Height and Direction.
Selecting the Chart Tab when the chart is already displayed will scroll the chart back to the position (if position exists on chart).
Digital Compass (if present on device) will be used for position icon orientation, Compass banner and "HDG" in Instruments view.
"Anchor Alarm" on main menu will set trigger if position changes more then selected distance.
"Email Position" will send a KML file of the track log.
More charts available from x-traverse.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
These are very welcome upgrades.....If you were wondering about iNavx then don't, go buy it.
Now how about using the iphone compass as a input for MacEnc?

I meant the compass on the 3GS of course.
The main reason iNavX does not send NMEA data out over WiFi to MacENC is it would require the iPhone to be running iNavX full time as iPhone OS does not allow third party apps to run in the background like the Apple apps (mail, phone, iPod, Safari).

So as soon as iNavX was exited, the NMEA data would stop. MacENC would complain. Battery life also would be greatly diminished. With USB GPS being so cheap it just doesn't make a lot of sense using the iPhone as a GPS or 3GS compass for a Mac.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Small feature request. I just downloaded AyeTides, and the seemless interactions of the apps is great. But right now it only takes you straight to the 'Tides' stations. Is it possible to have a button on NavX to take you to the nearest 'current' station. AyeTides distinguishes between them.

Can't wait to get to the boat tomorrow and try it out. So far just playing around.
Found my answer... Just need to pick the 'italics' stations for current.
We thought about adding an option for the type of station to search for, but realized that it would be confusing to have an "AyeTides" option, an "AyeTides Tides" option, and an "AyeTides Currents" option, or alternatively another dialog box that would list these three choices. Just one more step in the process, so we decided not to do this.
Yes. The technology develops immediately. Still recently stationary phone was luxury. And now it is possible to communicate continuously from any point.

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