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Title: iNavX / MacENC communications
Just got iNavX. I'm also a MacENC user and have many routes and waypoints already there. Can the NMEA connection between MacENC and iNavX be used to download waypoints, routes and tracks?
No NMEA transfer, but you can use the x-traverse uploader ..


Simply drag any waypoint group or Route from MacENC Waypoints window or Routes window and drop into the uploader to transfer to x-traverse.

Access the "Waypoints" view in iNavX and select "Import/Export".
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Its working great for the waypoints, but I only seem to be able to do one route at a time.

I have multiple routes, but when dropped to the x-traverse app on the mac they all have the same name (route.gpx), so they end up getting overwritten in the server. Is there a workaround for this?

Use the "Routes" menu on MacENC to export them to GPX, then they will retain their name.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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